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The book was written to fathers who were fatherless and need to know how to be a father and to those who just don't know how to be a godly father who should and could inspire their children to greatness.


As a father, you are irreplaceable. That may sound strange to you, especially since fatherhood is something that many guys feel happens “to” them. One day they’re romancing their wife, then nine months later, they suddenly
have a lifetime of responsibility laying on their shoulders.

On top of that, this world seems to constantly play down—or completely dismiss—the role of “Dad” in our society.  Culture tells us that a family can look like just about anything you can imagine and that a father is expendable. I’m here to tell you, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Your family needs you to step up and be the man God has called you to be. I’m sure that even as you read that last sentence, something inside you is shouting, “Yes!” But it can be terrifying to stand up and take that responsibility.

When, on June 12, 1988, I became a first-time father, I had no idea that this journey of fatherhood would take me to depths that I didn’t know existed and heights I could only dream about. You probably feel the same way.


Contact allen

Allen Hickman

795 Memorial Blvd

Picayune, MS 39466


Tel: 601-798-4511​

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